Events Programme – Gloucestershire Bat Group

Events Programme

Throughout the year a number of interesting talks are held within Standish Village Hall, near Gloucester (Location and directions). Typically, all events are held at the Village Hall unless otherwise stated. Please arrive at 7.15 for a 7.30 start. Tea and refreshments are provided: we ask a £2 charge per attendee to cover costs.

[Covid Update – Since 2020 we have been holding talks for the membership online via Zoom. Details of each talk are sent ahead of the meeting so that you can join in.]

If you would like to request a bat talk or walk for your group or organisation please use the form on our Contact page. Talks may be given via Zoom or face-to-face depending on the Covid regulations at the time and individual preferences of those involved.

For details on summer/winter surveys please look at our Activities page.



Wednesday 16 October 2024 19:00-  20:30 (Zoom)

A talk by Brian Phillips, Secretary of the group’s Underground Section. Brian will outline the activities and objectives of the group, providing information on all the sites usually visited and the bats found there, with a little history and geology. The talk will be held using Zoom, so invitation details will be sent out to members prior to the event.


03 April 2024 – AGM followed by an illustrated talk from Alfie Gleeson of BCT on their Passive Acoustic  Monitoring Work.

31 January 2024 – “Surveying Trees for Bats; A New Approach”. Jim Mulhollandl.

30 March 2023 – AGM – Following a brief segment for AGM business, we’ll hear a talk from BCT on The Diversity of Bats: an exploration of form and function. The talk will be on Zoom and will start about 7pm, but we’ll send more information and a joining link via email nearer the time.

15 February 2023 “The Big Bat Year: A Conservation StoryNils Bouillard

Tuesday 6th September 2022 “Noctule/Daubenton’s bat Cohabitation” Morgan Hughes and Scott Brown

Wednesday 10 November 2021 “Goodbye Mr Hitler and thanks for all the tunnels – Monitoring bats in the Nietoperek SAC in Western Poland” by Dr Johnny Birks

Monday 13 January 2020 Surveying trees for bats; can we do better? Jim Mullholland.

Tuesday 15 October 2019 Bat Sex. Matthew Terry.

Tuesday 12 March 2019 AGM and talk by Lisa Worledge of the Bat Conservation Trust on bat evolution.

Thursday 22 November 2018 Rewilding, and implications for bats in the UK. Dr David Bullock.

Monday 12 February 2018  Lesser Horseshoe Bats at Sherborne.  Nick Downs.

Tuesday 9 January 2018  Pine Marten reintroductions to Gloucestershire. Andrew Stringer.