Activities – Gloucestershire Bat Group


Members of Gloucestershire Bat Group can take part in a range of projects and events including regular bat box checks and monitoring counts of key sites. Members will receive email invitations to different events as they come up. All are welcome but please feel free to discuss any personal concerns or requirements with the event leader using the contact details on the invite.

If you are not yet a member but would like to be involved, please see the Membership page for details on how to join.

Our main activities can be split into the following categories:

Summer Surveys

Currently there are several interesting schemes to be involved with including bat box checks and emergence counts. These are good opportunities to learn about bats and gain surveying experience. All members on the mailing list will be informed of upcoming events throughout the summer.

All bat work contains some element of risk. Event leaders will circulate site-specific risk assessments to attendees prior to the date but please contact the bat group/event leader if you have any questions or concerns.

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Hibernation Checks

During the winter months, members of the Underground Section visit a number of cave and tunnel systems within the Forest of Dean and Cotswolds areas to identify and count our hibernating bats, particularly the nationally rare lesser and greater horseshoe bats. An additional level of membership is required to attend these events and Bat Group members will receive information and an invitation to join each autumn.

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Woodchester Mansion

Gloucestershire Bat Group has a long association with Woochester Mansion near Stroud which is an important roost for greater and lesser horseshoe bats which have been monitored by Dr Roger Ransome for over 60 years. Anyone is free to visit the ‘Bat Room’ which has information about the bats and live webcams during the summer. We are always looking for volunteers to man the bat room during this time. There are also routine counts and bat walks which you can take part in as a spectator or helper. Please contact us for more information.

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Bat Care

The Bat Group is currently setting up a Bat Care Network in Gloucestershire to streamline and improve the care and rehabilitation of inured or grounded bats in the county. This is in-line with the BCT’s national network of registered bat carers. If you interested in becoming involved with this process there is a wealth of information on the BCT website or you can contact us to discuss local training opportunities.

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National Bat Monitoring Programme (NBMP)

Every year the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) runs a series of national bat surveys for volunteers as a means of monitoring changes in our bat populations. The surveys suit a range of experience levels with the opportunity for training. The surveys also provide a valuable source of bat records. Further information on how to get involved, as well as some training resources, are available on the BCT website.

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Walks and Talks

We hold several informative talks and training sessions throughout the year at Standish Village Hall. Please see the Events page for more details.

If your group or organisation would like a talk or event about bats please get in touch using the contact form to let us know your specific requirements.

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