Membership – Gloucestershire Bat Group


The group was formed to promote the study, protection and conservation of bats, their roosts and habitats within the county of Gloucestershire. 

Membership Benefits

  • Monthly receipt of the Bat Conservation Trust Bulletin: an informative and valuable resource for amateurs and professional bat workers.  
  • Access to our talks programme.
  • Opportunities to take part in various activities, e.g. bat box checks and bat talks. Other events will be held, throughout the year, depending on who is available to conduct them.
  • Access to our very successful Underground Section, recording and monitoring hibernating bats underground (separate membership details for the Underground Section are sent out each autumn to members of the bat group)
  • Bat Group events provide an ideal place to meet like-minded people and use your networking skills to expand your knowledge and experience.  
  • We also hope that our members would like to give something back to the community. This could be anything from offering a bat walk to your local Guides group to helping run a stall at a local wildlife day.
  • We welcome members who would like to join our committee and gain experience in managing a small conservation group. We would also like to talk to anyone able to contribute to our activities programme

Membership of the Gloucestershire Bat Group is open to anyone who supports the aims stated in the Membership Form below.

Annual Membership to the Gloucestershire Bat Group is £10, with household membership for £15.

To join the group, please complete the Membership Form below and send to our Membership Secretary as directed.

Membership Form

Please note: If you decide to pay your membership via Standing Order, please still complete and send on the membership form as well so that we have all the necessary details to add you to our database and include you in members’ emails/announcements etc.

Many thanks for your support!